Categories: News

May 17 Installation Meeting (2017)

Just a brief write up of our meeting yesterday. The meeting was attended with many visitors, who we thank for coming and whom we hope enjoyed the ritual and festive board.

In many ways this was a significant and important meeting for all, with a mixture of great happiness as Bro Richard Manton was installed and sombre reflection on the sad and unexpected passing of father and son, Jo and Jonathan Gollow, who we remembered with a lodge of sorrow. Represented by W.Bro’s Gerry and Michael, their contribution to Jubilee Lodge and Freemasonry as a whole was far reaching and their absences will be sorely missed.

On a brighter note, W Bro Oz installed his successor much to his future relief as IPM, he noted. Likewise it was special for all, as W Bro Richard’s grandfather was able to be in attendance,and be there for him, especially having initiated him in 2009.

W. Bro Richard has nominated two worthy charities for his Masters List – namely the Middlesex 2020 Festival and Langdon a charity close to his heart.

And finally amongst other good news, we are also delighted to congratulate W Bro Oz on his provisional honours as Pro G Steward. We hope and are sure it the first of many bold steps in his masonic career. And finally a thank you to W Bro Howard who has served the lodge so well as Secretary for the last 10 years – he’s gone but not off the hook, taking on new roles in the lodge.
