Want to Join Us?
Freemasonry is one of the largest fraternal organisations in the world, with 6 million members worldwide and 200,000+ in the UK.
6 Great Reasons to become a Mason
Broaden your horizons
You’ll meet people from all walks of life and meet as equals whatever their race, religion or socio-economic position in society. Our values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty, fairness and tolerance.
New Friendships
You’ll make lasting friendships, achieve your potential and, above all, have fun. Masonry provides a forum for people to meet in an open environment, helping to build trust.
Freemasons make a major contribution to society through their own charities, as well as through donations to UK charities and worldwide disaster relief funds, with members playing an active role in their communities.
Become a better you
We embrace all the fundamental principles of good citizenship. Many of these are learnt through traditional rituals that take the form of one-act plays, leading to increased self-esteem and confidence.
Self Discovery
Every Freemason embarks on his own journey of self-discovery when he enters the organisation.With three levels of Freemasonry, the progression through to senior roles within a Lodge can be seen in much the same way as a person progressing in his career – each promotion bringing greater understanding and responsibility
Freemasonry prides itself on its transparency. There are no closed doors in Freemasonry – anyone can visit its headquarters at Freemasons’ Hall in London. For everyone, Lodges offer a place of harmony and tranquility.
The Journey of a Lifetime
Any man over the age of 21 may join regardless of ethnic group, political views, economic standing or religion although he is expected to have a faith. Becoming a Freemason is like going on a journey: from joining as an Entered Apprentice, it typically takes one or two years to become a Master Mason, with each of the three stages marked by a special ceremony.
If you’re interested in Masonry and thinking of joining a Masonic Lodge, then Jubilee Lodge maybe the one for you. We’re an interesting bunch of men, with many young hard working men as members in their 30’s and 40’s. To find out more about the history of Freemasonry and what being a freemason involves read more here: www.ugle.org.uk/becoming-a-mason or call us to see if Freemasonry is for you.
Joining Members & Visitors
If you are already a Freemason and wish to join Jubilee Lodge please contact our secretary for further information. Members of Metropolitan, Provincial, District and Overseas Masonic Lodges are invited to attend any of our meetings. If you’d like to attend please contact to our secretary at least 7 days in advance of the meeting. Click here to find out more relating to costs.

Jubilee Lodge Testimonials
“For me, Freemasonry is a hobby that exercises the mind and gives me practice in public speaking that I otherwise would not attempt – all whilst being involved in an organisation that does a great deal for charity. Oh, and it satisfied my curiosity as to what my Grandad had been up to for all those years!”
“Jubilee Lodge provides a challenge to learn ritual in a fun atmosphere and raise money that goes direct to worthy causes.”
“The Lodge means friendliness compassion and above all companionship in difficult times, There is no better place to be when life seems hard”
“I enjoy Jubilee Lodge because I have been made to feel part of the team, it is welcoming and friendly and unlike other organisations there is no backstabbing and sniping ”
“What I like about Jubilee Lodge is that all the Lodge’s affairs are discussed openly and candidly, including even with the most junior brethren.”

Freemasonry Testimonials
“When I was invited to join Freemasonry, there was hardly any information which a prospective candidate could find, as the case is now, before actually joining . However my love of general knowledge pushed me into taking that step. I was initiated in Jubilee Lodge Lodge in July 1986, and never regretted my decision. Over the years I have met many extremely interesting and knowledgeable brethren, have formed friendships which quite possibly I would not have found within one’s circle of friends, work colleagues and family.”
“I am absolutely amazed, even after all these years, at the charitable work all lodges do within our communities and throughout the world at large. I am a supporter of Freemasonry as it provides benevolent and social benefits to the members individually and the work at large as a whole. The global movement has undeniably funded many international charitable causes.”
“What interests me most about Freemasonry is the sense of camaraderie and the opportunity to meet and mix with people from different walks of life. Learning the ritual and more about Freemasonry also appeals to my more inquisitive (geeky) side. Lastly, for me the tradition and pomp and ceremony are important aspects!”

“Freemasonry to me is a hobby where I can switch off completely from my normal day to day routine, allows me the opportunity to meet different people that you would not normally have an association with, from various walks of life and on an equal level”
“Membership of one lodge allows you to visit other lodges worldwide”
“Everyone is on an equal level whatever walk of life, religious belief or cultural upbringing”
“I’m part of a tradition that goes back to 1717”
“Caring and serving to help others in more needy circumstances”
“Ritualistic drama in abundance. Ability to think and learn on my feet”
“Large sums of money are collected at lodge level for local causes and collectively for national charities and international relief work.”